Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Conversation Assignment

I. Introduction of the Conversation

This conversation between Shahla and me took place after we had our first class for the course “Research and Writing Methods II” on January 23rd. Shahla is also a first-year PhD student in Foreign Language Education. We were chatting about the classes we’re taking this semester. And Shahla expressed interests in having my notes to help with her endeavors in taking the Syntax class.

The conversation did not end with the date and place we set to meet each other. We went on to chit-chat about our program, the requirement for graduation, as well as some difficult time we had in striving to survive last semester.

Generally, I enjoyed this conversation, mainly because it’s always good to see familiar faces and have some friendly talks. From the transcription of conversation, I noticed that the fact that we shared a lot of mutual experience did make the conversation go smoother. For example, we are all required to take Syntax I, so when I learnt she’s taking it, I did not go into “why.”

This fragment of the conversation was only 5 minutes in duration. Yet, it took me almost 50 minutes to transcribe. Wow. This really made me rethink conducting any study that entails transcribing. :P

II. Conversation

Danny:Hey, Shahla. You sent me an e-mail about the experimental design. Are you taking that class?

Shahla: Actually, I need to come back to basic statistics. So, I changed it to Syntax I.

Danny: You are taking Syntax I?

Shahla: Yeah?

Danny: With Zlatic?

Shahla: Zla…tic… yeah.

Danny:That was… We were… We were in her class.

Shahla: When?

Danny: Last semester.

Shahla: You had that class?

Danny: You should join us last semester!

Shahla: I had no idea. So, bring me the notes, will you?

Danny: Yeah, I have the whole book and the notes. She likes to write a lot of stuff on the blackboard.

Shahla:Yeah, she does. So, when do I see you?


Shahla:When do I see you for the note?

Danny: Er… what else are you taking? You’re taking this one, Syntax I, and what else?

Shahla:Course Design...

Danny:Course Design, and...

Shahla:And Methods II.

Danny:Methods II… yesterday, right? How much do you like it?



Shahla:I think I can handle it. I think I’m more comfortable with the methods stuff than the research study stuff.

Danny:Really? I think for this semester we are having more workload for this class.


Danny:Yeah… And course design… How do you like the course design class?

Shahla:That course I think I can do it. No problem.

Danny:Do you like the teacher?

Shahla:Yeah, she’s good.

Danny:I like her a lot, but I’m not taking that class

Shahla:Why not?

Danny:I’m taking the experimental design. And I actually introduced to you to an introduction to statistics class. And I think that professor is really good. Hui-chun and I are actually auditing that class. It’s for undergraduate students. And just some basic concepts about statistics to prepare us for the experimental design class.

Shahla:I think I’m gonna take mine next semester… and the qualitative.

Danny:So, this semester you’re also taking 4 classes?


Danny:Good luck! Syntax is really… has a lot of homework.

Shahla:So, please don’t forget to bring me your notes. That would help.

Danny:The notes doesn’t help much, I have to tell you.

Shahla:Why not?

Danny:Because what is difficult is the homework and the tests. Have you… Have you had the class already?

Shahla:Well, we went there twice. But it’s like, you know, she’s just sort of introducing what she’s going to be doing...

Danny:So, there will be 3 exams. The first one will be hour exam, and the second and third would be take-home exams.

Shahla:Yeah. They are very hard, eh?

Danny:VERY HARD. I have to warn you about them! Oh, here’s a tip for you. Always, always before you turn in the homework, visit her in her office. And ask her for some hints about the homework. You would get better grades on your homework this way.

Shahla:OK…So when could you give me the notes?

Danny:You know what? You’re taking the course design class on Thursday afternoon. Is that right?

Shahla:No. On Friday. On Thursday I have Syntax.

Danny:Oh.. So, what about Friday. We have the experimental design class that ends at 12.

Shahla:On Thursday?

Danny:On Friday. You have a class at 12 on Friday, right?


Danny:OK. Then, can we meet in front of the PCL? I will hand you my notes.

Shahla:I’m sure the teacher would let you go early.

Danny:Yeah, why don’t we meet each other at like 11:45?

Shahla:OK. Good. Good. Don’t forget.

Danny:Send me an email.

Shahla:OK. I will.

Danny:Good luck.

Shahla:Thank you.

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